Seven Building Blocks of Successful Digital Transformation


New Rules of Business

This section is focused on understanding what is different in this VUCA world/ Digital Age, why enterprises are facing challenges to adapt, and what new principles and approaches they should consider.


Industry Maturity Curves

This section looks at the key shifts happening in various industries along with some common themes that I have observed while serving clients. Enterprises must anchor their business and technology strategies on these shifts to realize the full potential of digital.

Digital Technologies

This section focuses on the seven key building blocks of digital technology stack which plays a critical role in the execution of digital transformation.


Global Delivery Model

In this section, I emphasize on the need of the enterprises to capitalize on Global Delivery Model. The Global Delivery Centres must be seen as Revenue and Innovation centres to make transformation successful and gain competitive advantage.


Organizational Transformation

In this section, I have gone deeper into the how of digital execution and explore the organizational elements (including culture) that are necessary to support successful digital transformation.


Entrepreneurial Leadership

Digital age and this VUCA world are a great test for leaders. This section lays out how leaders can manage duality in this digital age which is critical to succeed as leaders.


Next-Generation Talent

In this last section, I want to change track and take the perspective of a young professional looking to build a career in the digital age.